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. Use Live Chat for questions. or to leave your message for us to reply to within a couple of hours. . Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 Days no Hassle Return (Terms & Conditions Applies) . Multiple Payment Options ( All Debit, Credit Cards, EMT, Wire Transfers, Financing) . Canadian Based Company, 100% Secure Ordering
The newly launched Scion PTM (Professional Thermal Monocular) is a powerful thermal surveillance tool for law enforcement professionals, enabling constant awareness of threats and team members in poor visibility conditions. Integration with FLIR’s TruWITNESS™ platform links the Scion PTM with other city-wide smart sensors, providing real-time centralized information for public safety agencies.
The Scion OTM (Outdoor Thermal Monocular) is a high-tech device designed for outdoor adventurers, ruggedly built for the most demanding environments to quickly detect animals and other objects of interest in low-visibility conditions. A built-in microSD card slot provides enough memory to capture every wildlife encounter in high-quality thermal imaging to revisit again later.
Both Scion monoculars are built around FLIR’s powerful Boson™ core and are available both in 640 and 320 resolutions, with 9Hz and 60Hz models.
Revisit every wildlife encounter in sharp thermal imaging with internal and microSD® expandable memory
Polished menus allow quick thermal palette adjustments and provide easy access to new features such as picture-in-picture zoom, video recording, and GPS functionality.
The advanced image processing of FLIR’s Boson® thermal core and a vivid OLED display offer superb, unwavering vision in challenging environments.