Levenhuk is new to the scene in the Canada but has been around since their start in 2002. Levenhuk designs and manufacturers Telescopes, Telescope Accessories, Microscopes. They offer a huge selection of high-quality instruments for educational use and natural science exploration. In 2013 Levenhuk was introduced to the US market at NEAF, the North East Astronomy Forum in New York where they presented their line-up of astronomical products. Visitors got to explore the all new Levenhuk Ra series of Telescopes first hand and the response was very exciting.
The assortment of Levenhuk telescopes include complete telescope packages as well as optical tubes. The Levenhuk refractor optical tubes offer a variety of configurations at exceptional prices. And for some of the largest light gathering telescopes, the Levenhuk Ra Dobsonian telescopes offer sizes up to 12 inches in aperture.And for complimenting your telescope, Levenhuk also offers a wide variety of accessories such as Digital Cameras, Filters, Diagonals and Eyepieces.