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Product Highlights
The exciting new lightweight and highly portable Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi Alt-Azimuth Mount, with it's built-in WiFi module, has been designed to be controlled wirelessly with your Smartphone or Tablet, using the free SynScan App for iOS or Android.The AZ-GTi creates it’s very own Wi-Fi network, so the mount can be used anywhere, without any reliance on other WiFi networks. After entering your coordinates into the App and following a simple alignment procedure, you are ready to explore the universe using the App’s intuitive touchscreen menu. The AZ-GTi and SynScan App provides full computerised GO-TO control, allowing your telescope to be automatically slewed to any one of the objects in the App’s extensive database of 10,000+ celestial objects.
Incorporates Sky-Watcher’s Freedom-Find™ patented Dual-Encoder Technology, which allows the telescope to be moved manually in either axis without the mount losing its positional information. This gives the user enormous freedom, convenience and flexibility during observational sessions. The mount is quiet in operation, has a payload capacity of up to 5kg and accepts telescopes with standard 45mm Dovetail Bars.
Main Features:
Database Details:
Motorized alt-az
Adjustable height, aluminum tripod legs, accessory tray
8 AA batteries or external 12V power supply
800x, 600x, 400x, 200x, 32x, 16x, 8x, 2x, 1x
Sidereal, Lunar, Solar, Alignment-free Solor tracking
Complete Messier, Caldwell, NGC, IC and SAO catalogs, user defined objects. Total 42,900+ objects
8.6 pounds
11 pounds