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Product Highlights
With the largest aperture in the series, the Sky-Watcher 180mm f/15 Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope is a powerful astronomical tool that remains manageable and portable. The Maksutov design exchanges the conventional front corrector plate of a Schmidt with a convex meniscus lens, resulting in a smaller secondary mirror that limits obstruction and increases contrast, while eliminating the need for periodic collimation. This modified optical path results in a slower focal ratio and narrower field of view versus a similar Schmidt, but the optical benefits, when coupled with the larger aperture and fully multi-coated optics, make this an ideal scope for making detailed solar, lunar, and planetary observations, while being able to resolve deep-sky objects like stars, clusters, galaxies, and nebulae.
The scope is outfitted with a large 2" visual back. To get users started, Sky-Watcher includes a 28mm long eye relief eyepiece that produces 96x magnification and a 90° star diagonal for viewing with the optical tube assembly (OTA) pointed at or near the celestial zenith. The OTA is offered here without a mount or tripod for users who have a reliable support system or want to use it as part of a dual-OTA setup for star parties or observation/imaging rigs. It is outfitted with a Vixen-style dovetail plate for use with compatible mounts. This OTA's compact form factor belies its observation power and resolution and is ideally suited as a grab-and-go option for quick observation sessions or heading out to remote locations.