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The Mewlon series from Takahashi features Dall-Kirkham Cassegrain telescopes for visual observation. Through proprietary manufacturing methods, Takahashi provides concave anellipsoidal primary mirror and a spherical secondary mirror at a reasonable cost.
The µ-180 is Takahashi latest addition to the Mewlon line. This 180 mm aperture telescope is an f/12, 2160 mm instrument. With the optional reducer / flattener, the f-ratio can be reduced to f/9.8. The m-180 comes with a built-in 6x30 finder scope.
In the Box
Takahashi Mewlon 180C Reflecting Telescope OTA with Dovertail Plate
Two years ago I regarded myself as a refractor nut. Selling my TMB apo was bordering on the traumatic, I am still surprised I did it. But I am now DELIGHTED that I did. The Takahashi Mewlon is a real performance telescope, but you will only get the best from it if you take cool down seriously, as you should with all larger mirror based scopes. THEN IT IS BRILLIANT, showing way more detail than my old 4.5 inch apo on all targets, for about the same cost!
If you want to learn more about the importance of cooling down your scope I recommend you go to Cats & Casses in the CN forum, click on Links of interest and the Best of Cats & Casses, and select How to get the best from your CAT (cooling issues).
So now the toughest test of any telescope, after having it for 20 months am I hankering after another scope or am I finally satisfied? As much as I love my Mewlon 210, I do want to change it; I now want a Mewlon 250! Unfortunately my bank manager won’t let me!
Clear sky’s.