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Designed to handle larger optical tube assemblies and heavy imaging rigs, Vixen's Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Mount provides a precise and stable motorized mount for long observation sessions, or long-exposure astrophotography. Dual stepper motors provide smooth and virtually vibration-free tracking that run at up to 250pps. Its full-circle brass wheel gear allows the mount to track over extremely long periods with little tracking error.
The Sphinx comes with the Star Book One (SB1) computer, which helps you find, observe, and track celestial objects. Since near and deep sky objects appear to move at different speeds, the SB1 features celestial, solar, lunar, and King's rate tracking speeds. An integrated autoguider port adds to the mount's usability. The Polaris guide scale, for use in the Northern hemisphere, is accurate through the year 2025. An Octant 4-star pattern is also set on the reticle for use in the Southern hemisphere.
The Sphinx is offered here without an optical tube assembly, tripod, or pier.
Vixen Optics Sphinx SXD2 Equatorial Mount with Star Book One