The Advanced VX Computerized German Equatorial Mount from Celestron includes is an integrated telescope support, alignment and guiding system optimized for astrophotography. Celestron engineered the Advanced VX mount from the ground up to deliver the functionality and affordability required by astroimagers on a budget. This telescope mount delivers some of the features found on more sophisticated German Equatorial mounts but without the added bulk or cost associated with more robust options. The Advanced VX mount is designed for an optical tube weighting up to 30 lb, enough payload capacity to accommodate most 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain OTAs.
The core technology driving the Advanced VX mount is All-Star Polar Alignment. Celestron's All-Star Polar Alignment technology features a Two-Star alignment mode that draws upon a vast database of stellar bodies to choose multiple guide stars that assist tracking across the night sky while keeping the optical tube parallel to the Earth's axis of rotation. Maintaining alignment with either celestial pole while following the path of guide stars provides a high degree of pointing and tracking accuracy. Digitally-encoded low-cog DC servo motors drive telescope movements on both axes in fine increments that keep the observed (or photographed) object centered in the field of view. This level of precision reduces optical aberrations and minimizes star trails, translating into improved image quality and sharper photographs.
Complementing the Advanced VX's alignment and tracking capability is the mount's permanently programmable periodic error correction that eliminates recurring track errors inherent to all worm drives. Additionally, a 7-77° latitude range enables extended observations and photo exposures by allowing the telescope to track past the meridian without the meridian flip common with German Equatorial mounts.
Included with the Advanced VX mount is the NexStar hand controller that will slew the telescope to any planetary, stellar, or nebulous object in its pre-loaded database at the touch of a button. The NexStar controller software is flash upgradeable, which allows operating system upgrades and even refinements to telescope-specific functions. This computerized mount is also compatible with Celestron's proprietary NexRemote telescope control software, which enables the observer to control telescope using their personal computer.
This fully-integrated telescope mounting system also includes an adjustable stainless steel tripod that has two-inch diameter legs, locking spreader, and caddy for the NexStar hand controller. The combination of digitally encoded servo motors, broad tracking latitude, and an array of sophisticated alignment and tracking technology equip the Advanced VX with the mechanical precision needed to observe and photograph nearby and deep sky objects using almost any entry or intermediate-level optical tube assembly.