Please use Online Chat communications if our phone line is busy, Operation Hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. (Pacific Time)
. Use Live Chat for questions. or to leave your message for us to reply to within a couple of hours. . Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 Days no Hassle Return (Terms & Conditions Applies) . Multiple Payment Options ( All Debit, Credit Cards, EMT, Wire Transfers, Financing) . Canadian Based Company, 100% Secure Ordering
Since the Phantom 4 has "sport" mode now, why not use it as an FPV drone. We have bundled the Phantom 4 with FPV gear to get you started. Remember to add on a case, more batteries, and any other accessories to complete your package. Oh and don't forget to add crash protection insurance! Sport mode is fast and you might need it !!!
We have installed the HDMI board for you and included any cables you need to connect the controller to the goggles.
Includes:Phantom 4 (drone, controller, battery, props)Extra Phantom 4 BatteryHDMI Output FPV Board InstalledFatShark Dominator V3 GogglesFatShark Battery ChargerHDMI Cables
Trackimo GPS Tracker included with 1 Year service
“The Phantom 4, it’s the first consumer unit that can see the world around it and adjust accordingly, the next big step towards a truly autonomous aircraft.” — The Verge , March 1, 2016 “Smarter, leaner, faster, stronger? That's the promise with DJI's Phantom 4 ” — Engadget , March 1, 2016 “This quadcopter can do something other drones can’t: keep you and me from being idiot pilots.” — The Wall Street Journal , March 1, 2016