07304, #1401 Tube Balance Weight System, For use with 8" LX90 & LX200 (+CAD259.00)
07305, #1402 Tube Balance Weight System, For use with 10" LX90 & LX200. (+CAD259.00)
07319, #1403 Tube Balance Weight System, For use with 12" LX90 & LX200. (+CAD259.00)
07592, #1405 Tube Balance Weight System, For use with 14" LX200. (+CAD299.00)
07310, #1404 Tube Balance Weight System, For use with 16" LX200. (+CAD299.00)
07300, Extra 2 lb. Weights, For use with any Meade Tube Balance Weight Systems (+CAD79.00)
07932 Meade Vixen-Style Dovetail Mounting Plate - 6" Long (+CAD69.00)
617000, 8" f/10 Losmandy-style Dovetail Rail Assembly (+CAD119.00)
617001, 10" f/10 Losmandy-style Dovetail Rail Assembly (+CAD149.00)
617002, 12" f/10 Losmandy-style Dovetail Rail Assembly (+CAD189.00)
617003, 14" f/10 Losmandy-style Dovetail Rail Assembly (+CAD229.00)
617004, 16" f/10 Losmandy-style Dovetail Rail Assembly (+CAD269.00)
617005, LX85 Counterweight, Extra 10.0 lbs. counterweight for LX85 German Equatorial Mount. (+CAD79.00)